
Recreational Activities (RECA)

RECA 103  Badminton and Racquetball  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will serve to introduce the student to two racquet sports: Racquetball and badminton. The course will offer each sport for 7.5 weeks and then the student will rotate to the other racquet sport.

RECA 105  Bowling  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will emphasize delivery, scoring etiquette, strategies for converting spares, spot vs. pin bowling, and learning about handicapping. The course will involve theory as well as practical experience.

RECA 106  Backpacking  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

Introduction to equipment, safety precautions, environmental concerns and skills needed to successfully backpack. Class will experience a weekend backpacking trip.

RECA 107  Paddling Sports  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will introduce the student to basic techniques and safety procedures associated with paddling sports of canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding.

RECA 109  Rock Climbing and Rappelling  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will introduce the student to the components associated with top rope climbing and rappelling. The student will become familiar with equipment, knots, setting up a safe site, terminology and technique.

RECA 110  Golf  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course is designed to provide the beginning golfer with the fundamentals of the activity and to further play as a lifetime recreational activity.

RECA 114  Self Defense  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course is designed to introduce the student to the philosophy, concepts and various strategies associated with the martial arts. Physical and mental conditioning and physical techniques associated with the art of self defense will be presented and practiced.

RECA 115  Tai Chi  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

Tai Chi is a soft martial art that promotes 'a long life and good health' while improving range of motion, balance, centeredness, and a quiet mind. The Tai Chi 24 Forms Set is the most practiced style throughout the world and will be taught in this class along with utilizing Chi Kung for warm up and cool down exercises.

RECA 116  Kickboxing  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

Kickboxing combines martial arts techniques with cardio conditioning as a high energy, total body workout. Course may be repeated twice for credit.

RECA 119  Cross Country Ski/Snowshoeing  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will introduce the student to the sport of cross country skiing and snowshoeing. Emphasis will be placed on basic skill development, equipment selection, maintenance of equipment and the enjoyment of winter and the beauty it has to offer. The majority of class time will be spent skiing and snowshoeing; class instruction will occur during skiing and snowshoeing, ususally on a one-to-one basis to meet the needs of the student.

RECA 120  Downhill Skiing, Snowboarding  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

The students will be provided with an opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals of downhill skiing and snowboarding and to gain sufficient knowledge of the sport so that they may continue to enjoy and improve for the rest of their lives.

RECA 125  Tennis  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course is intended to develop each student's present knowledge and skills in order that they will be able to pursue tennis as a lifetime leisure activity.

RECA 127  Volleyball  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course is designed to develop basic skills and progression in power volleyball. Conditioning, drill, game tactics and rules will be practically applied.

RECA 129  Basketball  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course is designed to expand each student's present knowledge and skill specific to skill execution, game play, game strategy and rules. May not be repeated for credit. Not available for credit to any student/athlete playing intercollegiate basketball.

RECA 130  Intercollegiate Sports Skills  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

Will meet as directed by instructor. The course is designed for student-athletes involved in intercollegiate athletics. It provides the opportunity to develop advanced skills in their respective sport. The course may be taken only once per academic year and only during the term in which the student athlete is participating in an intercollegiate sport.

RECA 140  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu I  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will cover the basic movements, positions, and concepts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This class is for those interested in establishing their foundation in Jiu-Jitsu or who would like to learn self-defense utilizing ground techniques. Both gi and no-gi techniques are taught in this class.

RECA 141  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu II  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will cover basic and intermediate movements, positions, and concepts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This class is for those interested in expanding their foundation in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or who would like to learn self-defense utilizing ground techniques. Both gi and no-gi techniques are taught in this class.

RECA 150  Individual Physical Fitness  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This class is designed to enable the student to discover his or her own level of fitness and develop and implement an exercise program that will address personal fitness concerns. Central to this process is introducing the student to various aspects of a balanced fitness program and providing personal assistance to the student in selecting beginning fitness goals and appropriate progression of those goals.

RECA 151  Jogging, Walking for Fitness  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

Introduction to jogging and walking as means of developing physical and mental fitness. Development of an activity ideal for lifetime leisure involvement.

RECA 153  Weight Training  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This class is designed to familiarize each student with basic weight training knowledge. The student will become familiar with muscular systems, functions, and safe and effective ways to organize and implement a weight training routine.

RECA 154  Yoga  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course explores the history and practice of yoga and offers instruction suitable for all levels, including beginners. Students develop their own practice while gaining a deeper understanding of all eight limbs of yoga. Sessions will include discussion and a 60-minute physical movement practice conducive to all bodies.

RECA 173  Social Dance  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course is designed to provide participants with a broad range of dancing patterns and rhythmic skills. Through social interaction, the following social dances will be learned: Mixers, round dance, square dance and ballroom dance.

RECA 174  Aerobic Dance  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will provide the student with an opportunity to become involved in a structured aerobic dance program. The purpose of this type of programming is to improve an individual's physical fitness through rhythmic and dance activities.

RECA 175  Step Aerobics  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

A step workout is a high-intensity, low-impact aerobic workout for all fitness levels. The principle is to step up and down on a platform while simultaneously performing upper-body exercises. The program will work every major muscle group in the lower body, while training the upper body.

RECA 180  Beginning Skating  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

The students will be provided with an opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals of skating and to gain sufficient knowledge of the sport so that they may continue to enjoy and improve for the rest of their lives.

RECA 190  Aquatic Fitness  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course will introduce students to developing cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and muscular endurance through aquatic activities as an alternative to weight bearing forms of exercise. Water related exercises and activities will be utilized to improve physical fitness. Individuals of all fitness levels will enjoy getting fit in the water.

RECA 194  Scuba  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

This course is designed to introduce the student to the appropriate and safe use of self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.

RECA 195  Beg/Adv Beginning Swimming  1 Credit Hour  (0,2)  

Course meets in pool two hours a week. Mostly lab work but some lecture. Students cover material in Red Cross beginner and advanced beginner courses and receive certification in one or both depending on skill level attained.

RECA 210  Lifeguarding  2 Credit Hours  (0,4)  

Course meets in pool four hours a week. Mostly lab work, some lecture. Students cover material in Red Cross Basic and Emergency Water Safety course and Red Cross Lifeguarding course. Students receive certification in one or both depending on skill level attained. Either certificate qualifies students to take water safety and lifeguarding Instructor course, RECA211.

Prerequisite(s): Red Cross intermediate swimming certificate or equivalent skills  
RECA 211  Water Safety Lifeguard Inst  2 Credit Hours  (0,4)  

Course meets four hours a week, 70 percent of the time in the pool and 30 percent of the time in the classroom. All students cover material in Red Cross water safety instructor course and do teaching practicum at the Lake Superior State University pool. Those students entering with a current lifeguarding card may also cover lifeguarding instructor material.

Prerequisite(s): Current Emergency Water Safety or Lifeguarding certificate