
Academic Policies for Graduate Programs

Please familiarize yourself with the academic policies described in this catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to follow all policies and to meet all the requirements established for LSSU’s Graduate School programs. We strongly recommend that every student work closely with a faculty advisor in their degree program. 

The Academic Year

Graduate programs may operate under a program-specific schedule that differs from the official LSSU Academic Calendar.  See information detailing academic course schedules, dates, and deadlines on each graduate program’s webpage.

Time Limits for Program Completion

Graduate students must complete their program and apply for graduation within the timeframe specified for their specific degree program. 

Credit Hour Policy

In accord with federal regulations, state guidelines, and the Higher Learning Commission standards, LSSU defines a semester credit hour as follows:

A [semester] credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

  1. one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  2. at least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading toward to the award of credit hours. 34CFR 600.2 (11/1/2010)

LSSU defines “one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction” as 50-60 standard minutes. Hour totals for a course include time used for evaluations, tests, and final examinations. The amount of credit awarded for any activity should be in keeping with the learning outcomes; evidence of student achievement must be documented.

Course learning outcomes are defined by the school and approved as part of a curriculum review process which includes recommendations from the University Curriculum Committee – a majority faculty body with representation from every school and the Administration. Outcomes are established independently of the modality of course delivery such that the credit hours for a course title will not change if the course is offered in face-to-face sessions with synchronous faculty-student interaction, in blended (hybrid) delivery, or in a fully online course.

Student-led tutoring, such as Supplemental Instruction or Structured Learning Activities, provides peer support to reinforce, expand and strengthen understanding of course content. Credit is not awarded for student-led tutoring, tutoring activities do not contribute to the calculation of course grades, and participation cannot be required.

The standard University semester is 15 weeks, including the final examination week. Courses scheduled for compressed schedules carry the same academic credit hours, meet the same student learning outcomes, and share the same expectations for an equivalent amount of work as defined by the semester credit hours, as a normally scheduled course.

All definitions and standards apply to all instructional modalities and instructional locations, including dual enrollment, Early-Middle College, Regional Centers, online, and blended (hybrid) courses.

Academic Transcripts

Students may request an official copy of their academic transcript be sent to schools, companies and/or other places or persons of their choice. Any financial or other obligations to the University must be cleared before a transcript is released. Student copy transcripts can be requested free of charge at the Registrar’s Office in the Fletcher Center. Students may also print an unofficial transcript online using Anchor Access.

Semester Course Selection

Students enrolled in a graduate degree program are advised to meet with their academic advisor prior to making any changes in their course schedule since those changes may result in delayed completion of the program. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that students consult with their advisor before adding or dropping classes. If schedule changes are necessary, LSSU recommends that students initiate those changes with the assistance of their advisor to lessen any negative effect those changes may have on time to degree completion.

Adding/Dropping Courses through the Add/Drop Period

Although it is inadvisable, if a student chooses to add or drop classes within the stated allowable timeframe, they may do so online through their Anchor Access account. Courses dropped through the add/drop deadline will not appear on a student’s academic transcript.

Students wishing to add courses that are full, or students wishing to add courses without having the necessary prerequisites, must contact the instructor of the course to request permission. If the instructor approves the request, the instructor will complete an Instructor Override for the student. The student must then go online and register for the course.

Adding Courses after the Add/Drop Period of the Semester

Online registration ends on the sixth day of the semester (the fourth day for the winter or summer semester). Students wishing to add a course after this date must have the instructor’s permission. The student will need to complete a Schedule Adjustment Form, have the instructor sign it giving permission, and then process the form at the Registrar’s Office, located in the Fletcher Center for Student Services.

Dropping Courses after the Add/Drop Period of the Semester

Students may drop a full-semester course during the first eleven weeks of the semester. For courses running less than a full semester (e.g. seven-week class), check online for the official drop dates — the time period for dropping will be approximately equal to one-half of the course instructional period. If a student drops a course, the student will receive an N grade on their academic transcript. N grades are not counted in the academic GPA.

Withdrawal Policy

Students dropping all courses within the appropriate time frame for a fall or spring semester will be considered as withdrawn from Lake Superior State University. Students withdrawing may be eligible to receive a partial tuition refund following the refund schedule, and those with financial aid will be subject to Federal Title IV refund regulations. The last date of attendance in an academically related activity is required for all courses and may impact a student’s financial aid and refund status.

Late Withdrawal

Students requesting a late withdrawal from one or all of their classes after the official drop date need to complete a Request for a Late Withdrawal and/or Tuition Appeal Form and have documented extenuating circumstances. The decision to grant the late withdrawal and/or tuition appeal will be made by the Late Withdrawal Committee. Appeals are reviewed in the order received and results may take from two to four weeks. The need for additional documents may delay this timeframe. All decisions by the committee are final and not subject to appeal.

Except for documented and exceptional circumstances, late withdrawals/tuition appeals will not be accepted more than one year after the end of the term for which the late withdrawal/tuition appeal was documented. All petitions filed after the one-year deadline must be granted an exception prior to consideration by the Late Withdrawal Committee.

Class Attendance

Regular class attendance and active participation in classes are important elements in the learning process. Students are at the University primarily for the sake of intellectual growth and development. Attendance and participation provide appropriate opportunities for the evaluation of their progress.

Students are personally responsible for the satisfactory completion of the course work prescribed by their instructors. This means students are expected to attend classes regularly, and are responsible for the work assigned in class, the material covered in class, and for participation in class activities (including discussion and listening) designed by the instructor as part of the learning experience. However, mere physical attendance should not be a criterion for evaluation of their performance. Participation in an official University function is an excused absence when approved by the provost. Students will not be penalized for such participation. Students are responsible for work missed and must confer with their instructor on this matter.

Repeat Policy

Graduate students may repeat a class if they so choose, but doing so may result in a delay for degree completion beyond the expected timeframe. It is strongly recommended that students consult with their advisor before making such a decision.This policy is in effect for all students starting at Lake Superior State University as of the Fall Semester 2011. Students may repeat a class in which they earn a grade other than “W” or “N” only twice without special permission.

  1. Courses transferred from other institutions are included in this policy.
  2. Both the original and repeat grades will show on the transcript, but hours earned toward graduation will only count once.
  3. For the purpose of calculating the cumulative grade point average, only the grade of the last attempt will be used.

To repeat a course more than twice, the student must attain the permission of the course instructor and the dean of the college offering that course. Permission is only granted under extenuating circumstances.

Policy on Substitutions or Waivers for Failed Classes

If a student fails a class required for their degree program, the student must repeat the class and receive a passing grade. If the failed class is no longer offered because of program changes and/or course deletions, the dean may approve a substitution or waiver recommended by the academic chair. The chair must provide reasons for the recommendation on the substitution/waiver form which is sent to the dean’s office for approval.  Upon approval, the dean will then send the form to the Registrar’s Office.

Grading System

Grade Grade Points per Credit
A+ 4.00
A Excellent 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B Good 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C Average 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D Inferior 1.00
D- 0.70
F Failure 0.00
I Incomplete 0.00
N No Grade 0.00
W Late Withdrawal 0.00
AU Audit 0.00
P Pass 0.00
CR Credit 0.00
CR (undergraduate level) is equal to a 2.00
CR (graduate level) is equal to a 3.00
U Fail 0.00
NC No Credit 0.00

Grade Point Average (GPA)

To calculate the GPA for a semester, divide the total quality points earned by the GPA hours. GPA hours include those earned or failed but not those classes taken for Credit/No credit or Pass/Fail. Cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing total quality points earned by the number of GPA hours carried in all semesters. If a student repeats a course, count only the credits carried and the points of the last grade earned. Only the grade of a student’s last attempt is calculated in the GPA.

A cumulative GPA of 2.00 for all credits is required for graduation. Further, a 2.00 cumulative grade point average for all credits in major, minor(s), and general education is required. Some programs require a higher GPA in the major and minor curriculum.

“I” (incomplete) grade

Students may request an “I” (incomplete) grade for a course if extenuating circumstances beyond their control prevent the completion of the course requirements by the end of the semester. Examples of extenuating circumstances may include health issues, death of a parent/spouse/child, or military service. Students and faculty must be aware that an “I” (incomplete) grade counts toward the student’s attempted credits for a semester and may thus affect Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students receiving financial aid should consult with the Financial Aid Office to discuss their specific situation when electing to drop a course or requesting an “I” (incomplete) grade.

Appropriate documentation is required. Students will need to be enrolled and have completed the majority of the work required for a course during the semester to be eligible to request an “I” (incomplete grade). An “I” (incomplete) grade may be issued in a course that by design can not be completed in one semester. An example of this type of course would be a study abroad course that requires the student to be out of the country until after the official semester end date. An “I” (incomplete) grade shall not be issued as a midterm grade for any course.

Students must work with the instructor to complete all missing requirements by a date specified by the instructor. If a date is not given, the student will have a maximum of two semesters (excluding summer and winter semesters) to complete the requirements for the course and to have the “I” (incomplete) grade changed to an appropriate final grade. Students should not re-enroll in any class in which they currently have an “I” (incomplete) grade.

If the “I” (incomplete) grade has not been changed to an appropriate final grade by the end of two semesters (excluding summer and winter semesters) the “I” (incomplete) grade will be changed to an “F” (failure) grade.

Students are not eligible to receive a degree or certificate with an “I” (incomplete) grade on their academic record.

N and W grades

These grades are given to those classes that students have officially dropped (N) or withdrawn late (W).

Graduate Academic Standing

Academic Probation and Dismissal Policy (Full- and Part-Time Students)

For Graduate Level Coursework

(Effective Summer 2011)

A cumulative grade point average of 3.00 for all graduate credits carried at Lake Superior State University and a minimum grade of B for each course, including courses transferred into the program, are required for graduation.

You will be on academic probation if your cumulative grade point average falls below 3.00. Academic Probation limits you to six (6) credits. You must contact your advisor to adjust your schedule before classes start for the next semester.

If you are on probation for more than two consecutive semesters, you will be academically dismissed. Your classes for the next semester will be deleted.

After a first or second dismissal you may choose one of the following options:

  1. Allow two semesters to elapse before re-enrollment
  2. Petition the Scholastic Standards Committee for immediate readmission should extenuating circumstances exist. The Committee can either permit early readmission with specific conditions required of you or deny your request. Subsequent to the Committee’s denial, you can further appeal to the Provost, whose decision is final.

If you continue after a dismissal, you will be dismissed again after any semester in which your cumulative grade point falls below a 3.00. You will be allowed to continue on probation if you have a 3.00 semester grade point average (GPA) in courses carried for that semester.

If you are dismissed a third time, you will not be reinstated without the permission of the Provost. Three semesters must elapse from the time of dismissal before you may petition the Provost for readmission.

The Scholastic Standards Committee may dismiss you from the university for demonstrated academic dishonesty.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, as amended, sets forth the requirements to be met by an educational institution to protect the privacy of students. This act is called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and shall be referred to hereafter as the Act. The Act generally governs access to student educational records and the release of such records. The Act also requires that institutions of higher education must provide students access to official records directly related to the student and an opportunity for a hearing to challenge such records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate. Educational institutions must also obtain written consent before releasing personally identifiable data about students from records to other than a specified list of exceptions. In addition, students must be notified of these rights. In accordance with provisions of the Act and the regulations enacted by the U.S. Department of Education, Lake Superior State University has adopted the following policies and procedures:

Section 1. General Policy on Access and Disclosure

Lake Superior State University shall not as a matter of policy or practice:

  1. Deny or prevent students at the University the right to inspect or review the educational records of such students
  2. Permit the release of educational records contrary to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the policies and procedures set forth in the following sections.

Section 2. Notification to Students

Under the provisions of the Act, the University must annually notify students of their rights and the institution policies pertaining to the Act. In addition, notice must be given to the location where the policy can be obtained as well as to inform the students of the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the Act. In accordance with these requirements the annual notice regarding students’ rights, the location of copies of the University’s policies setting forth these rights, as well as the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office, shall be published in the University Catalog. The annual letter to students will notify students of directory information. The registrar is the hearing officer for the Act and is responsible for implementing the notification requirements and the distribution of copies of the policies and procedures.

Section 3. Education Records Defined

“Education records” means those records which:

  1. Directly relate to a student or
  2. Are maintained by the University or its agent.

The term does not include:

  1. Records of institutional, supervisory, and administrative personnel which:
    1. are in the sole possession of the maker thereof, and
    2. are not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a substitute.

      substitute is defined as one who performs, on a temporary basis, the duties of the individual who made the record. It does not refer to an individual who permanently succeeds the maker of the record in his or her position.
  2. Records of the law enforcement unit of the University (Security Department) which are:
    1. maintained apart from the University’s educational records;
    2. maintained solely for law enforcement purposes; and
    3. not disclosed to individuals other than law enforcement officials of the same jurisdiction, provided that educational records maintained by the University are not disclosed to the personnel of the law enforcement unit.
  3. Records relating to an individual who is employed by the University which:
    1. are made and maintained in the normal course of business;
    2. relate exclusively to the individual in that individual’s capacity as an employee; and
    3. are not available for use for any other purpose.
    4. This paragraph (3) does not apply to records relating to an individual in attendance at the University who is employed as a result of his or her status as a student.
  4. Records relating to an eligible student which are:
    1. created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in a professional or paraprofessional capacity, or assisting in that capacity;
    2. created, maintained, or used only in connection with the provision of treatment to the student; and
    3. not disclosed to anyone other than individuals providing the treatment; provided, that the records can be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate paraprofessional of the student’s choice. For the purpose of this definition, “treatment” does not include remedial educational activities or activities which are part of programs of instruction at the university.
  5. Records of the university which contain only information relating to a person after that person is no longer a student at the University. An example of these records would be information collected by the University pertaining to the accomplishments of its alumni.

Section 4. Rights to Inspect and Review Education Records

A student who is enrolled at or has attended Lake Superior State University has the right to inspect and review his/her educational records subject to the limitations set forth in Section 3 and 13. The educational record recorded by the student will be provided within a reasonable period of time defined by availability of staff time and the records. Records will be provided no more than 45 days after the request is made.

The right to review educational records includes the right to a response from Lake Superior State University to reasonable requests for explanation and interpretations of the subject record.

Section 5. Procedures for Inspection and Review of Records

A written request for the inspection is required for review of educational records or release of records, where permitted, to third parties. See Section 10A for release of records to third parties. The request must be submitted to the appropriate officer. See Section 7 for list of officials maintaining educational records.

The written request under this section must contain:

  1. A description of the information requested,
  2. The date, if any, that the information is required,
  3. The student’s signature, and
  4. The date the request is filed.

Section 6. Copies of Records: Fees for Copies

Copies of educational records will be provided under the Act under the following conditions:

  1. Where failure to provide a copy would effectively prevent a student from exercising the right to inspect and review the educational record. (Examples of when this provision would be effective would be absence from the state or a confining illness.) If the student will return to the residence occupied while attending the University or be within 30 miles of campus and is not physically incapacitated during the 45-day compliance period, copies shall not be provided but the right of inspection may be exercised. Under this provision, a written request is required (see Section 10A) specifying the record to be disclosed and the reason that a personal inspection of the record cannot be made during the 45-day compliance period. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine if copies are required as opposed to personal inspection.
  2. On request, under the provisions of Section 10B regarding records to officials of another educational institution in which the student is enrolled or seeks or intends to enroll.
  3. On request, or with the consent of the student, under the provisions of Section 10A, regarding information released with the approval of the University to third parties. The University shall not charge a fee for copies of records provided under the Act. There is not a charge for search, retrieval or inspection of the record. Copies of records provided under these provisions do not carry the University seal or official signature of approval.

Section 7. Listing of Location of Education Records

The following is a list of the records considered educational in nature under the Act and their locations listed by Office, Type of Record, Responsible Official, and Location.

  • Admissions; Academic file, Financial; Director of Admissions; Canusa Hall
  • Career Advising and Placement; Academic, Personal, evaluations; Director; Library
  • Continuing Education; Academic; Director; Cisler Center
  • Human Resources; Work Evaluation, Employment; Director; Administration Building
  • Financial Aid; Financial, Academic, Personal evaluation, Employment; Director; Fletcher Center
  • Registrar’s Office; Academic (complete and official academic record), Personal, Veterans Affairs; Registrar; Fletcher Center
  • Residence Halls; Personal; Housing Manager; Cisler Center
  • Residence Halls and Student Life; Discipline; Dean of Student Affairs; Cisler Center
  • Student Accounts; Financial; Director Business Operation; Fletcher Center
  • Academic Areas, Academic; School/Department Chairs.

Note: All academic records are partial records with the exception of the Registrar’s Office as noted above.

Section 8. Disclosure of Restricted Information to University Officials

Personally identifiable information from the education records of a student may be disclosed without the prior consent of the student to University officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the information. The University officials must demonstrate a need to obtain the information consistent with their official functions and the request must be consistent with normal professional practices and legal requirements.

The disclosure of personally identifiable student information under the above conditions will not be disclosed to any other party without the prior written consent of the student, except that such information may be used by the appropriate officials or agents of the University for the purpose for which the disclosure was made.

Section 9. University Officials

For the purpose of these procedures and policies, University officials are those individuals who have demonstrated a need for access to student records consistent with official University responsibilities and professional practices.

University officials include: Members of the faculty, professional, executive and administrative staff, including the Public Safety Department, academic assistants, student employees who manage student education record information, students properly appointed as members of a hearing panel or screening committee, representatives of the State Auditor General when performing their legally required duties, legal, insurance, or collection representatives of the University when performing their university-related duties requiring student record information concerning a claim or legal matter.

Section 10. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information

A. Prior Consent for Disclosure Required

The University shall obtain the written consent of the student before disclosing personally identifiable information from their education records to third parties other than directory information. Consent is not required where the disclosure is to the student.

If the University consents to the release of personally identifiable student information to third parties under this section (10A) at the written request of the student, the University will also provide the student with a copy.

The written consent required under this section (10A) must be signed and dated by the student and shall include:

  1. A specification of the record to be disclosed.
  2. The purpose of the disclosure.
  3. The party or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made.
  4. A statement granting consent for the release of the information.

B. Prior Consent for Disclosure Not Required

The University may transfer or disclose the educational records of a student, without prior written consent, on request to the officials of another educational institution in which the student is enrolled or intends to enroll.

The University, upon request, will provide the student with a copy of the transferred educational records.

Information from the educational records of a student may be disclosed, without prior written consent, if the disclosure is:

  1. To federal and state authorities as provided by the Act or other legal authority.
  2. In connection with financial aid for which a student has applied or received; provided that the information may be disclosed only:
    1. to determine the eligibility for financial aid,
    2. to determine the amount of aid
    3. to determine the conditions that will be imposed regarding financial aid, or
    4. to enforce the terms or conditions of the financial aid.
  3. To organizations conducting studies on behalf of educational agencies or institutions for developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs; and improving instruction; provided that the studies are conducted in a manner which does not permit personal identification of students by persons other than the representatives of the organization. The information must be destroyed when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which the study was conducted.
  4. To accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
  5. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; provided that Lake Superior State University will make a reasonable effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena in advance of compliance.
  6. To appropriate parties in an emergency to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.

Section 11. Directory Information

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act permits the disclosure of certain personally identifiable information from the educational record of a student if that information is designated as directory information as defined by the Act.

In order to release such information the University is required to provide public notice of the following:

  1. The categories of personally identifiable information designated as directory information.
  2. The right of the student to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the categories with respect to that student.
  3. The time which the student must inform the University in writing that such directory information is not to be released.

In compliance with these provisions, the University will announce its intention to release directory information each fall in the annual letter. Written requests to prohibit or restrict the use of directory information should be addressed by the last day of the add/drop period to the Registrar’s Office. The University considers the following as directory information: name, address, telephone number, place of birth, e-mail address, enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate, full time or part time) major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees, honors and awards received, including scholarships, most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by student, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and height and weight of members of the athletic teams. In the event that this list is altered or expanded, these provisions will be amended in accordance with the Act.

Section 12. Record of Disclosures Required to be Maintained

Lake Superior State University shall for each request and disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s education records maintain a register within that file of the education records which indicates:

  1. The parties who have requested or obtained information.
  2. The legitimate educational interests the parties have in obtaining the information.

A record is not required for disclosures to a student, disclosures pursuant to the student’s written consent when consent is specific to the party or parties, disclosures to University officials as set forth in Section 9, or disclosures of directory information as provided in Section 11.

The record of disclosures may be inspected by: the student, University officials and assistants responsible for the custody of the records, and university officials authorized in Section 9 and persons outside the University as authorized in Section 10 for the purpose of auditing the record keeping procedures of the institution.

Section 13. Limitation on the Right to Inspect and Review Records

The University is not required to permit a student to inspect or review the following records:

  1. Financial records and statements of parents or any information contained therein.
  2. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation placed in the student record prior to January 1, 1975; provided that such letters and statements were solicited with written assurance of confidentiality or sent and retained with a documented understanding of confidentiality. The documents must be used only for the purposes specifically intended.
  3. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation and statements for which the student has waived the right to inspection as set forth in Section 16 and placed in a student’s file after January 1, 1975 respecting:
    1. admission, or
    2. application for employment, or
    3. receipt of an honor or honorary recognition.
  4. Those records which are defined not to be education records as set forth in Section 3

If the educational record of a student contains information on more than one student, the requesting student may review or inspect or be informed of only the specified information which pertains to the student making the inquiry.

Section 14. Request to Amend Educational Records

A student who believes information in the student’s educational records is inaccurate, misleading or violates the privacy or other rights of the student may request the University amend such records. The procedures regarding amendment to a student record are:

  1. Submission of a written request to amend the record in question to the University office responsible for the content of the record.
  2. A written request specifying the information to be amended and the basis for requesting a change in the record.
  3. The written request should also suggest the recommended corrective action.
  4. The University official responsible for establishing the content of the record in question within 14 calendar days will inform, in writing, the student that the record will be amended or the request is denied. If additional time is required to make a decision, the student will be advised of that period required.
  5. Amendments and corrections will be completed within 14 calendar days of the date of notice to the students.
  6. If the University official responsible for establishing the content of the educational record denies the request to amend the record, the written notice of this decision will advise the student of the right to a hearing.

Section 15. Right to a Hearing

The Act provides an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of a student’s educational record to insure that the record does not contain inaccurate or misleading information or violates the privacy or other rights of the student. This procedure can not be used to challenge grades. The following procedure defines the process after the decision of denial.

Procedure of Hearing

A student desiring a hearing on a denial to amend the record by the official establishing such records must:

  1. Submit a written request for a hearing to the hearing officer and the registrar.
  2. Designate in the request: the student’s name and identification number, date of request, specific information on the record challenged, basis for amending record, summary statement of previous action taken to amend record including names of individuals contacted and from whom communications have been received.

The hearing officer will, within seven calendar days of receipt of the request for hearing, notify the student of the hearing date, time and location. At least 72 hours notice prior to the hearing will be provided to involved parties.

A full and fair opportunity is available to present evidence relevant to the question of whether the record in question is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student. The student may be assisted or represented by any individual, including an attorney, at their own expense. The hearing officer will render a decision on the appeal within seven calendar days of hearing’s conclusion. The decision shall be in writing and based solely upon the evidence presented at the hearing. The written decision to the student shall include a summary of the evidence and reasons for the decision.

If, as a result of the hearing, the hearing officer rules the information is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of any of the student’s rights, the record in question will be amended within seven calendar days of the decision.

If, as a result of the hearing, the hearing officer determines that the record should not be amended, the student shall be informed of the right to place in the education record a statement commenting upon the information and setting forth the reasons for disagreeing with the University’s decision.

Any explanation placed in the record of the student under this provision shall:

  1. Be maintained as a part of the record as long as the record or the contested portion thereof is retained by the University, and
  2. Be disclosed by the University, along with the contested record to any party receiving such record.

Section 16. Waivers

A student may waive any right under the Act. The waiver shall not be valid unless it is in writing and signed by the student. The University may not require that a student waive any right under the Act. This requirement does not preclude the University from requesting such a waiver. An applicant for admission or a student in attendance may waive the right to inspect and review confidential letters and statements of recommendation. The waiver applies to letters or statements only if it is in writing and designated by the student and if:

  1. The applicant or student is notified of the names of those providing letters or statements.
  2. The documents are used only for the purpose intended.
  3. The waiver is not required as a condition of admission or receipt of any service or benefit from the University.

A waiver may be revoked, but that action must be in writing and filed with the office in possession of the waiver.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Lake Superior State University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and the address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901

Additional Information

Lake Superior State University complies with Section 113 of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act and Section 122 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. LSSU uses the student’s SSN in order to compile required WIA and Perkins Act reports.